Talkshow unlock your future: Pathways to internships in luxury management
On May 29, the Talkshow Unlocking Your Future: The Internship Path in Luxury Management took place successfully with the enthusiastic participation of speakers and students majoring in "Business Administration" and "Marketing" of SouthStar Management Institution.
The organizers would like to thank Mr. Le Viet - CEO of Hoteljob, Ms. Kim Lien - COO of The Five Hospitality, and Ms. Dieu Vien - Executive Assistant Manager of Silk Sense Hoi An River Resort for accepting our invitations to attend the workship as the main speakers of talk shows. With many years of experience in the hospitality industry and with their outstanding achievements, our speakers conveyed beneficial information about internship opportunities and career opportunities after graduation for students majoring in Business Administration and Marketing, as well as about modern communication and marketing strategies for the high-end hotel industry.
We also sincerely thank the students for taking the time to participate in this workshop. We hope that the program has brought you many interesting experiences, valuable knowledge, and experiences from the speakers' sharing. And now, let's look back at memorable moments with our passionate speaker.