SouthStar Management Institute Football Cup
On the evening of June 9, the closing ceremony and awarding ceremony of the SouthStar Management Institute Football Cup took place successfully at Trung Nu Vuong Football Stadium. After dramatic and intense matches, the traditional football tournament of SMI has officially ended. The organizers are very proud to announce the football tournament final results as follows:
š„First team: QLC - 123
š„Second team: QLC - 56
š„Team three: FC Illuminate
Encouraged team: K29HP - QLC2
SouthStar Management Institute would like to congratulate all teams and send special thanks to SMI players, who have actively practiced and played hard during the tournaments. The fairplay spirit and solidarity of the players brought about exciting matches and amazing goals, contributing significantly to the success of this Sports Festival. In addition, the enthusiasm and support from the fans not only helps create a vibrant atmosphere on the field, but also gives great motivation and raises the morale of the players. In particular, we also thank the referees for their professional and fair work in controlling the matches, keeping each match running smoothly and successfully.