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SMi issues scholarships for excellent students who win first, second and third prizes in provincial/city competitions held by Department of Education and Training, the specific scholarship levels are as follows:

1. First Prize: The scholarship equal to 70% of the tuition fee of the first academic year;

2. Second Prize: The scholarship equal to 50% of the tuition fee of the first academic year;

3. Third Prize: The scholarship equal to 30% of the tuition fee of the first academic year.

+ Egibility on receiving scholarships

1. Scholarships are directly reduced to tuition fees

2. Candidates who win the prizes mentioned in Article 1 of this Decision, are admitted to all majors of Duy Tan University in the enrollment period in 2023.

3. The scholarship is not transferable to another person.

4. If candidates meet the requirements in many criteria for scholarship consideration, they will be selected with the highest scholarship level.

Students who got scholarships in the academic years of 2022 and 2023